Let’s be real. We have been traumatized. For the last four years, we’ve been living with an abuser and his enablers. So now that we’ve gotten to a space of safety and change, first (in the words of Ma$e and P. Diddy) it’s important to: Breathe. Stretch. Shake out everything that you’ve been holding in […]
What’s your New Year’s ACTION Plan?
I have a question to ask you if you don’t mind. I’m just curious what your New Year’s Resolution…ahem…ACTION Plan is? You see, we all have resolutions at this time of year. I get it. This is the time when we start thinking about what we want to accomplish in the New Year. It’s […]
Even More Tangible and Powerful Ways to Live in the Present Moment
I offer the previously mentioned resources (in the last blog post about Nowness) that you can begin to look into if you are curious about this whole mindfulness thing. The wonderful thing is that it doesn’t have to be taken too seriously, nor does it have to take up your entire day. It can be […]
It’s Time To Start Living Powerfully In The Now!
What Does ‘Live In The Now’ Mean, Anyway?! Nowness, or being fully present in each moment, is one of my favorites these days. This has become a somewhat newer practice for me, and I’m so thankful to have found this! Granted, I’ve been unknowingly practicing this for years, and you probably have been too, just […]