Happy New Year’s Eve and an even Happier New Year!
As we enter 2018 and I reflect back on this past year, I wanted to share some thoughts. I have come to the realization that 2017 has been a PRD-Gd one. No, that’s not a typo. That’s exactly what I meant. Yes, it looks like “pretty good” if you sound it out phonetically. Which it was a pretty good one. But it also stands for something a little deeper.
PRD equals “Persistence, Resilience, and Determination.” The G is for “Growth.” It has been a year filled with all of those traits and qualities. While everything has not gone according to plan, I do realize that so many things have occurred that have helped me to increase these qualities. After all, does everything always go according to plan? If you’re like most of us, your answer is no. If your answer is yes, indeed, all goes according to plan, then I commend (and might even envy!) you!
Regardless, let me recap my year in a way that helps not only me make sense of it, but can also help you to make sense of and reflect on yours.
2017 began when I got my hands on the book, The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. If you have not read that book and are looking for a way to shift how things have been occurring in your life, then this is the book for you. In it, Elrod discusses these Life SAVERS to abide by first thing in the morning – standing for Silence (i.e., meditation), Affirmations, Visualization, Exercise, Reading, and Scribing (or writing). This was life changing to me. I began promptly after the New Year (I believe it was the 2nd, if not the 3rd of January) going through these on a daily basis. From this, I not only began a daily meditation practice, but I have significantly strengthened it since. If I go a day without meditation, trust me, I notice! It feels weird, foreign to me…and makes me wonder how I made it so far in life without it!
Furthermore, it was during this time that I wrote my second book, an ebook, entitled What’s Your ACTION Plan? 6 Powerful Ways to Become Unstuck In Your Life Now! It was greatly inspired by The Miracle Morning, and based on my first book, From Mourning To Knight: Overcoming Loss. I wrote this book because I wanted to give people, you, the reader, tangible action steps to take when you feel stuck in your life. Trust me, I know what it is like, and wanted to share the love! I was able to release this book through most major ebook readers using the platform Draft2Digital. That too is something I learned about this past year in all my different research and constant learning pursuits. If I’m not learning or reading or growing, then I’m stagnant. Or dead. And I don’t want to be either right now!
When I look at resilience, I think of the tough times I encountered this past year. For instance, there have been times when my bank account has been at $0 (not to mention the mountains of debt I have incurred over the years). I didn’t know how I would pay for certain things, let alone where the next meal was coming from. But I have constantly and consistently been provided by in one way or another. And so I began to abide by that philosophy, increased my abundance meditations, and VOILA! The blessings began and continue to this day. I chose to release fear and worry, and open up to abundance and prosperity.
With full disclosure and honesty, I was also threatened with a lawsuit and a complaint was filed against me towards my Psychology Board. I had to seek legal counsel, something I never thought I would have to do as I always abide by the utmost ethical and moral codes. Long story short, the truth is always revealed, and it was no different for me in this situation. I eventually got what was owed to me, and the complaint against me was dismissed due to the fact that it was found I did nothing unethical. Moral of the story is to always do everything by the book and you have nothing to worry about.
After this debacle, I began to work at an organization (where I still am), and I learned to always say yes…well, at least most of the time. When my now co-worker reached out to me randomly to meet up with and learn more about me, I was hesitant initially. But I also knew that saying no could potentially be blocking a blessing, or at least a learning experience. So I did meet with him, and the rest is history. I’ve been working with CareNet since May of this year, and it has been such a wonderful fit in many ways.
In the meantime, I have become a part of a spiritual community that has helped to complete that aspect of self. The part that had been missing or dormant. The part that I knew was there but not actualized. Growing up in a religious household, I strayed away from my upbringing for many years. This return to spirituality, belief, and faith has helped me feel more complete as a person. The way I came across this community was complete serendipity, and I would expect nothing less!
Finally (don’t worry, I won’t bore you with EVERY SINGLE detail of my life this past year!!), I have been asked to be a part of multiple podcasts. Some through people I personally know, others were people I randomly met through social media (Instagram to be exact), and by saying yes to these offers has opened me up to possibilities. Possibilities that wouldn’t have been available had I said no. For that I am so grateful…oh, and speaking of which, I did begin a Gratitude Journal, which also has been a game changer!! Not to mention being completely intentional about my goals and planning them out (i.e., writing them down). This too has helped many of my goals come to fruition, which I plan on continuing in the new year and beyond!
I share all of these things with you to let you know, despite being a mental health professional, we all go through “stuff” sometimes. It is only through those challenges and experiences from which we can grow. With a little bit of persistence, resilience, and determination, you can accomplish whatever it is you set your mind to. While it may not come on your proposed time, it will arrive right on time! Feel free to employ some of the things I have done – whether it’s saying ‘yes,’ meditating, or even beginning a gratitude journal – or I would love if you share what has helped you in the past year to overcome challenges and work through various experiences.
Here’s to not just a PRD-Gd (i.e., ‘pretty good!’) upcoming year, but an amazing 2018 for you and yours!
Peace, love and light!