That’s correct. When I say new year, it’s not about a new you. You can’t recreate you. Granted, you can create an updated, better version of you…but while we are all made of flesh and blood, we are made of something much deeper.
A soul. A spirit. A light that reflects our true essence.
Yet our essence has been shielded, blinded, covered, hidden. Tainted by years of negativity, doubt, cynicism, or people telling us we can’t operate in the world with that childlike thought process. Who says that has to be the truth though? It is our job to rediscover it.
And in rediscovering our true essence, we get back to who we always have been. There’s no new you. Just a (re)discovery mission to get back to it.
Just like when you fly on a cloudy day and you finally get above the clouds and realize that the sun has always been there. It’s not a new sun, it’s just that you (re)discovered it…and in a different way. Your perspective shifted. You rose to a different level to see things differently.
And so that’s what this is about. Rising above your current perspective to start to see things differently. Really, to see yourself a little differently. To shift and relate to your thoughts about who you are and who you have been to some that are more empowering.
How cool would that be?
I mean, when people say they want to lose weight, or make more money, or be more successful, or…you name it, what is it that they are truly saying? We all can get a new body. We all can make or even lose money. We all can attain and are capable of achieving any level of success. But what’s behind all of that, once you dig a little deeper?
Our bodies don’t make us. I have a client who has lost 2 limbs in a tragic accident, and yet he remains the same person he has always been.
I know people who have gone from making little to a whole bunch of money. Yet they don’t create a new them.
So what do they do? What is their secret?
They change their mindset. They shift their thinking. They get back in touch with who their essence is.
They realize that they are powerful beyond measure, as Marianne Williamson states:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
They realize that their bodies don’t make them, how they approach life via their thought process is what makes the biggest difference.
They realize their inner and true light, something that’s been there this entire time yet obscured like the sun on a cloudy day.
So what do you choose to do about your mindset in 2020? How do you plan on changing your thinking so that you can open up to obtaining the perfect health for you and your body? How can you change your thought process to get to your inner abundance, your birthright of prosperity?
I recently did something called the Dickens Technique. Well, it was my second time doing this exercise, as it’s been a while since I first did this. The first time, I completed it while going through an online coaching program by Ryan Eliason. It was a great coaching program, and an extremely powerful technique he uses. He actually adopted it from Tony Robbins, who I hear fully believes and relies on the power of the Dickens Technique in his conferences. Yet, I have never been to one, so can’t speak personally on that.
The point is, this process walks you through living life in the next year, 5 and 10 years with the limiting beliefs you currently have. Whether it’s “I’m destined to live a life of being poor” or “I’ve always been overweight and so I always will be” or “It’s in my genes to be this way for the rest of my life…” All of these thought processes and beliefs are very limiting. See yourself in the future continuing to have these beliefs. How does that feel? How and where do you feel that in your body? What do you notice with your energy? What is it like seeing yourself in the mirror while holding onto these beliefs 1, 5 or 10 years into the future? Probably doesn’t feel too good. That would be my guess.
Yet what if you could shift that mindset, those beliefs to ones that are more empowering? Such as “I’m destined to live a life of abundance and prosperity,” or “I am at my ideal and healthiest weight and getting healthier every day,” or “I have the power and capability to change my genes through epigenetics (see Dawson Church) to ones that work with and for my best interest.” Then see yourself 1, 5 and 10 years into the future with this new belief and mindset. How different does that feel? My guess is it feels tremendously different. What do you notice now in your body? How do you notice your energy shift with these thoughts? How do you look in the mirror when you imagine looking at yourself in the future holding these beliefs? Probably very different, in a positive way of course!
You see, too often people decide that they want to lose the weight, obtain better health, etc., etc., but keep what we call “tailenders” in the EFT Tapping field at the end of their statements. “I’m going to hit the gym and workout…though knowing me, I probably will lose steam by February.” “I’m going to become the best version of myself…though what’s the point if I have no one to spend or share it with.” I think you get it. It’s those statements that pack a punch at the end of something otherwise positive, hopeful and uplifting. The “buts.” So what does that do? It negates all thoughts feelings and beliefs before the tailender and sets you right back to zero. Your body and subconscious mind are powerful and observant and respond to those things, thoughts, beliefs much more than you realize.
So it’s time to create a new mindset for the new year.
No more “buts.” No more negating your otherwise positive intentions. It’s time to shift to a mindset of empowerment.
You may have to repeat these phrases, statements and new beliefs often. Every day as a matter of fact. After all, that old thought process has been running a loop in your mind for years. So keep saying the new and empowered belief over and over. You deserve it. It truly is time for a New Year and a New Mindset, one that is different than before and one that allows you to step fully into your potential. I can’t wait. I’m excited for you. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get to a return to who you truly are!!